ManavRachna International Institute of Research & Studies(Haryana)

Name: ManavRachna International Institute of Research & Studies(Haryana) Email: Phone: Fax: 01294198211
Address: Aravali Campus, Sector-43,Surajkund-Badkhal Road,,Faridabad,121004 State: Haryana
Institution Type: Deemed-To-Be-University Year of Establishment: 2008
Name of the Vice Chancellor Prof.(Dr.) Sanjay Srivastava Name of the Registrar Ramesh Kumar Arora
Name of the Department/School/Centre of Distance Education Centre for Distance and Online Education
Address of the Department/School/Centre of Distance Education Manav Rachna Campus Rd, Gadakhor Basti Village, Sector 43, Faridabad, Haryana 121004
Name of Director/Head of Department/Head of School/Centre of Distance Education Prof.(Dr.) Shaveta Bhatia
Official Website of HEI