Graphic Era University(Uttarakhand)

Name: Graphic Era University(Uttarakhand) Email: Phone: 9760894689 Fax: 0135-2644025
Address: 566/6, BELL ROAD, CLEMENT TOWN, DEHRADUN State: Uttarakhand
Institution Type: Deemed Year of Establishment: 2008
Name of the Vice Chancellor PROF. (DR.) RAKESH KUMAR SHARMA Name of the Registrar MR. AJAYENDRANATH
Name of the Department/School/Centre of Distance Education GRAPHIC ERA DIRECTORATE OF DISTANCE AND ONLINE EDU
Address of the Department/School/Centre of Distance Education 566/6, BELL ROAD, CLEMENT TOWN, DEHRADUN
Name of Director/Head of Department/Head of School/Centre of Distance Education PROF. (DR.) RAJ KUMARI DHAR
Official Website of HEI WWW.GEU.AC.IN
No. of Students
Sr.No Name of the programme Level & Duration Number of students admitted Male Number of students admitted Female Number of students admitted (Transgender) Number of students admitted Total
Name of College/Institute Address of College/Institute Whether the College/institute is Private or Govt No. of Councellor Proposed Programmes
Academic Year Planner [Programmes under yearly system]:
Name of the Activity Tentative months schedule (specify months) during Year
From (Month) To (Month)
Academic Year Planner [Programmes under Semester System]:
Name of the Activity Tentative months schedule (specify months) during Year
From (Month) To (Month) From (Month) To (Month)