UGC (ODL Programmes & OL Programmes) Regulations, 2020 and Amendments
UGC(Online Courses or Programmes) Regulations, 2018 and Amendments
UGC (Online Courses or Programmes) Regulations, 2018
These Regulations lay down the minimum standards of instruction for the grant of Certificate or Diploma or Degree, through online mode, delivered through interactive technology using internet. These Regulations are applicable to a University referred to under clause (f) of section 2 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 (3 of 1956), an Institution deemed to be University under section 3 of the said Act or a University established under any State Act, which are imparting higher education or research therein by means of conducting regular classes or through Open and Distance Learning systems or through online education system that result in grant of Degree or Diploma or Certificate, in various Courses or Programmes.
The Regulations is available on UGC website and can be accessed. click here
Prohibited Courses or Programmes in Online mode
Courses or Programmes in engineering, law, medicine, dental, pharmacy, nursing, architecture, physiotherapy, applied arts and such other Courses or Programmes not permitted to be offered through Online mode by any other statutory or regulatory body or council.